Do you want to organise an original children’s party? Children enjoy nothing more than horsing around in the woods. After a wonderfully active game of Moon Trees, there’s so much more to do. What about a picnic in the woods? Or climbing and clambering in the playing field? Organising a party the kids will enjoy is so easy.

Climbing and horsing around

The Moon Trees woods of Klimbos Veluwe can be found in Park Berg & Bos in Apeldoorn. There’s so much to do in this wonderful park. What about younger children? Then head for the playing field, a clearing in the woods with a water pump, a sand pit, a climbing pyramid, swings and much more. There’s plenty of space to run around and play.

Climb the watchtower

Do you still have excess energy? Why not climb up the watchtower on the left, at the end of Jubileumlaan? The tower is 26 metres high and once you’ve climbed all 128 steps, you’ll be higher than the treetops. On a clear day, you can even see Deventer and Zwolle from this serene spot. Magnificent views.

Origineel kinderfeestje Moon Trees herfstpicknick in het bos

Autumn picnic

You’ll find Bosweide right in the heart of Stadspark Berg & Bos. Events are held here occasionally, but it’s also perfect for picnics away from civilisation. A blanket, hot chocolate in the thermos and coats on. Get ready to play. This area is slightly deeper into the woods, which means you sometimes see wild animals.

Moon Trees Origineel kinderfeestje bos

Do you want to go on an adventure in the woods themselves? Follow the Kidsnatuurpad (a nature trail) or one of the hiking routes shown on the signs at the entrance. You may even come across a boar or a roe.

Click here to find out all about Stadpark Berg & Bos.

Een onvergetelijk verjaardagsfeest bij Moon Trees | Moon Trees Challenge

Do you want to book an original children’s party? Tickets can be ordered easily online; you’ll have an instant overview of the dates that are still free. Do you want a snack and something to drink for the children? Klimbos Veluwe offers various packages. Contact Klimbos Veluwe for more information.

Visit the website of Klimbos Veluwe